Student Life

We understand the challenges our students experience in this stage of life, whether it be identity, relationships, loneliness, or questioning their faith. Our goal is to reach each teenager and young adult where they’re at and invite them into an authentic community that cares for and loves them, all the while pursuing Jesus.

 Student Life is our ministry for students who are in middle school, high school, and young adults. We have various opportunities to KNOW Jesus, GROW in Jesus, and GO make Jesus known.


At SMV, we invest in our youth in three main ways:

1) We gear our Sunday messages to be relevant to people’s lives, youth included.  

2) And we invite youth to be involved in church of life by serving on a team.

3) We arrange monthly Youth Hangouts, where students are invited to have social time together and with youth team members. 

 Young Adults

Whether you’re a recent high school graduate, a college student or a young professional, parent, or maybe both- this is the group for you! We love spending time together, having fun, asking questions, talking about God, and supporting and encouraging one another!

We are a group from ages 18 to around 30 years old!