In-Person Service

We are currently gathering in-person on Sunday mornings at 10:00am, as well as streaming it on our Facebook page for those who cannot attend in-person.

As we offer in-person services we still want to be vigilant in providing a safe space for those to gather during this time.  These elements will be in place to minimize the potential health risks:

  • Self-health scan questions and temperature checks for all attendees prior to arrival.
  • Mask policy enforced.
  • Social distancing.
  • Building cleaning/disinfecting pre- and post-service.
  • Clear signage for people to follow for auditorium seating.
  • Children’s ministry resumed Sunday, April 11th!  Check here for the new procedures.

We recognize this process is stringent and feels different, but if we maintain the care it takes to follow these guidelines, we feel it will preserve our ability to meet together in-person as long as we can. We will continue to assess our policies and procedures and communicate accordingly as they change. You can check here for our most recent COVID-19 policy changes. 

Let us know if you have any questions

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