Vineyard Kids Vision
We read in Psalm 127:3, “Children are a gift from the Lord.” Just as children are a rich heritage for parents and the Body of Christ, parents and members of the Body play essential roles in making God’s love real to every child. It is our desire to come alongside parents in developing nurturing the faith of their kids. Our responsibility is to prayerfully model and teach truth. We believe that kids can know God in a personal relationship as they are now, not just when they grow up. Therefore, we want to show them what it looks like follow Jesus and teach them how they can be an active participant in God’s great big plan. For the nursery caregiver and the kids’ church teacher, this begins when parents first bring their child to the children’s area.
Our volunteers have big hearts for your kids and purpose to share what God’s love looks like as they care for and play with them, so even the smallest kids in the nursery will experience that Love. Here, a foundation of prayer begins for your child as godly men and women are encouraged to “pray without ceasing” for the Lord’s work in the hearts of these little ones. As your child’s language develops, our prayers continue and we begin introducing biblical truths through storytelling, playing, music making, and crafts. We trust that the Holy Spirit will bring understanding and produce faith.
The pattern of prayer and instruction continues to grow in Preschool and Kids Church (ages K-4th grade) by building a biblical foundation and helping your child get to know a great God! Here they can read, act out, and store in their hearts the stories of God from his Word, as well as worship him through singing, dancing, giving, and sharing. They get to learn through prayer that God listens when they speak, and He cares so much about each aspect of their lives. They get to find out that they are special and important to Him. Their journeys following Jesus have begun. Please invest some time familiarizing yourself with our policies and procedures. Also, feel free to contact us with any questions.